Our Goal
After using the snow and temp reporting stations to track our Fall into Winter and Winter into Spring's snow and temperature profiles we will turn to using them to monitor the change in weather bringing the rise of temps into the Spring Thaw.
We will now use our High Sierra reporting station observation tools to monitor the warming and melting snow pack in conjunction with deploying our water tools to observe the rate of rising rivers.
The pace of the melting and the rising of the rivers should give us a pretty good idea of just when the Spring Thaw River Flows are becoming dangerous, if not impassable in the High Country.
That's the goal, to determine when the main flow of the Spring Thaw reaches critical dangerous phases. In the meantime we can track the line of muck, melt, and mosquitoes as the thaw line leads an explosion of life moving up the Sierra Flanks.
We either want to be there as that happens, or wait awhile until it and the associated dangerous fording conditions calm down a bit. We do want to miss any catastrophic melts and flows... but your timing really depends on what you're in it for. We want to get the best picture of what's happening right now. It's up to you decide if that's good for you.
You decide if those conditions match your expectations, fitness, gear, and skills. But we've got to understand, even with as good a look as we can get using all the technical and personal means at our disposal, we are still entering the unknown.
Know That Clearly! |