California Highways 50, 88, 4, and 108
bisect the
Tahoe to Yosemite and Pacific Crest Trail
across the
North Sierra.
Those squares breaking the maps up into grids are the Universal Transverse Mercator / Military Grid Reference System, otherwise commonly known as UTM.
What's important for our general reference purpose is that each side of a square is 1000 meters, or a Kilometer.
From my perspective that is 1093.6 yards or .62 of a mile.
Diagonal: 1414.22 meters, if my trig is correct. |
Miles and Elevations
Ebbetts Pass to Sonora Pass
Boulder Lake Junction
Boulder Lake Junction 8560 17.71
+1 .0
East Fork Carson Junction 8160 20.7
+1 .0
First Open Space 8560 21.71
+1 .0
Waterfall 8640 22.03
+1 .0
Prominence 8720 22.17
+1 .0
Hunters Camp 9,240 23.33
+1 .0
E Carson Gap 10,240 25.35
+1 .0
Sonora Gap 10,536 26.56
+1 .0
Sonora Pass 9643 29.44
11.73 miles total
Sonora Pass
Guide Index Page
Ebbetts Pass
Guide Index Page
Ebbetts to Sonora Pass
Topo maps Index
Ebbetts Pass
trail head
South PCT topo map
Sonora Pass to Bensen Lake |
Four USGS topo Maps
Upper Left USGS topo Map
Disaster Peak, Calif, 1979, Topographic
Lower Left USGS Topo Map
Sonora Peak, Calif, 1979, Topographic
Contours: 80 Feet
Upper Right USGS Topo Map
Lost Canon Peak, Calif, Provisional, 1958, revised 1978
Contours: 40 Feet
Lower Right USGS Topo
Pickle Meadow, Calif, Provisional, 1958, revised 1978
Contours: 40 Feet
All Maps
Compass Offset
Magnetic North is 18 degrees, 34 minutes East of True North
scale: 1 :24 000
National Forest North of Sonora Pass, PCT
National Forest Contacts
Toiyabe National Forest
National Forest Website
Bridgeport Ranger District
National Forest Website
Carson Ranger District
National Forest Website
Carson-Iceberg Wilderness
PCT South of Sonora Pass,
TYT North & South
National Forest Contacts
Stanislaus National Forest
National Forest Website
Calavaras Ranger District
Physical location
Approaching Highway 108 from the North on the PCT. |