Main Features: This is the Southernmost of three overlapping topo map compliations covering the Tahoe to Yosemite and Pacific Crest Trails through Desolation Wilderness.
North Desolation Wilderness Central Desolation Wilderness South Desolation Wilderness
These three maps overlap so we can follow side trails to local trailheads off of the main TYT-PCT route through Desolation Wilderness, such as Eagle Falls, Bayview Camp, and Cascade Lake along the West shore of Lake Tahoe. On the other side of the mountain we have Rockbound Valley. The point of these maps is not just to guide you down the long trails, but to draw you out into the beauties of Nature, first to explore short trips and loops into the Desolation Wilderness, then to spend some time stretching out your legs, lungs, and spirit on the long trails.
These trailheads along the West shore of Lake Tahoe offer short, if steep hikes into the heart of the Desolation Wilderness, and give us many options for hiking trips between trailheads, if not loops returning to our start point.
My hidden goal is to subtly push you towards hiking the whole 28.71 mile length of the Desolation Wilderness as the first section of your section-by-section hike down to Tuolumne Meadows if not Mount Whitney.
This type of on the trail preparation and experience is vitally important for those of us considering hiking the Pacific Crest Trail or even the Tahoe to Yosemite and John Muir Trails. Every year I meet strong young people on the trail who have not given themselves the training or experience to effectively deploy or maintain their strength.
They suffer needlessly. The very success or failure of their efforts becomes dependent upon how well they recover from their lack of physical preparation, gearing errors, and a wide range of unfounded assumptions about nature and how their body will work in nature. This transformational experience can be very dangerous. It can end all your experience, if not torture you, if you are not properly prepared.
A few short trips to work out the gear, break in the boots, figure out your food, and get the legs woken-up will save endless problems on the long trail.
If you only learn by doing things the hard way, be my guest. If you're feeling froggy, jump, by all means!
Those squares breaking the USGS maps up into grids are the Universal Transverse Mercator / Military Grid Reference System, otherwise commonly known as UTM.
What's important for our general reference purpose is that each side of a square is 1000 meters, or a Kilometer.
From my point of view that is 1093 yards or .62 of a mile.
Diagonal: 1414.22 meters, if my trig is correct.
That converts into 4,639.8 feet or .88 of a mile.
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