Peak 1290 behind Lake Wanda, below Muir Pass Lake Tahoe to Mount Whitney: Your Backpacking Guide to the High Sierras East Whitney Rock Formation
Feature on Granite Dome Massif during sunset
  Part of the Granite Dome massif in twilight hues from Sheep Camp along Summit Creek  
High Sierra Trail Culture Report VI: Late July to Early August 2010


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Monday July 26

Heading up to Relief Reservoir, then up Summit Creek towards Brown Bear Pass

Departing Kennedy Meadows I began the section of the Tahoe to Yosemite Trail towards Brown Bear Pass.

From Brown Bear Pass I crossed the Emigrant Basin to Bond Pass, where I entered Yosemite, and rejoined the Pacific Crest Trail below Dorthy Lake Pass in Jack Main Canyon.

Index By Page

Trail Head

Trail Culture Index

Hwy 395 to Corral Valley

Corral Valley to PCT at East Carson River

The E Carson Headwaters to the Sonora Pass

Kennedy Meadows Pack Station

Hiking towards Brown Bear Pass

Brown Bear Pass to Stubblefield Canyon

Stubblefield Canyon to Cold Canyon

Cold Canyon to Tuolumne Meadows



Big topo map


Hey Nick!

This is Nick and Matt sitting at the Kennedy Lake Trail Junction waiting for their very cool buddy.

Met Nick Last year during last year's Tahoe to Whitney trip.



Matt and Nick on the way to Kennedy Lake. Ran into Matt last Summer in Tuolumne, during my Tahoe to Whitney hike



The dam at Relief Reservoir. If this baby ever goes, so does Kennedy Meadows.

Relief Reservoir Dam.

Stanislaus National Forest Frog Counting Team.

Emigrant Wilderness.

Quote: "Frogs Looked Good this Week"



Post more information on this team

Stanislaus National Forest Frog Counting Team

California Conservation Corps

This is Dimes, Heather and Zack. They just finished busting out a fine piece of trail work.

They were an example of the finest youth our country has to offer.

CCC Stanislaus Backcountry 2010

CCC Crew: Dimes, Heather, and Zack

This is the trail work they just finished.

They boxed-in section of broken down soil within granite steps that have to be anchored sufficiently to handle both the Winter Snows and large horse pack trains.


CCC Stanislaus Backcountry 2010

The Trail Work Dimes, Heather, and Zack just finished

CCC Stanislaus Backcountry 2010


Heading further South, I ran into the main body of the California Conservation Corps Stanislaus Backcountry Trail Crew.

This was a great bunch of really cool kids who work damn hard to keep the trails, and therefore the mountains, open to all wilderness travelers.

CCC Crew: Stanislaus Backcountry. Good folk.







These kids move fast over hard terrain with heavy loads.

Trail Crew moving quickly up the trail to the next work site.


CCC Stanislaus Backcountry 2010

CCC Trail Workers moving up trail with tools.

California Conservation Corps

Steven, Stephenie and Morgan were measuring out a completed trail alteration.


CCC Stanislaus Backcountry 2010

CCC Trail Crew: Steven, Stephenie, and Morgan.

I noticed an out of place splash of red on this massive granitic formation.





Granite wall with red flash

Under an angled rock, that did not quite fall flat, a little splash of red pushes towards the sky, until the rock finally falls, and they die.



The red flash was a few flowers growing under a ledge on this massive granite structure



A formation on the Granite Dome Massif




Part of the Granite Dome Massif

A lizard enjoying the Sun








Amazing Rock formations Characterize the Emigrant Basin, which we are approaching. These features begin just to the North of Brown Bear Pass.
"Painted" Granite as you near Emigrant Basin


On to the Next Page South: Brown Bear Pass to Stubblefield Canyon

Back to the Last Page North: Kennedy Meadows Pack Station

2010 Trail Culture Index


Contact: Alex Wierbinski

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Bear at Silver King Creek                                                                                                                                                             Lake Aloha below Pyramid Peak
Bear at Silver King Camp

Lake Tahoe to Mount Whitney: your backpacking guide to the Sierra Crest, including the Tahoe to Yosemite, the Pacific Crest, and the John Muir Trails

Aloha Lake below Pyramid Peak, in the Desolation Wilderness
©Lake Tahoe to Mount Whitney: Crown Jewel of the Pacific Crest Trail